Our Rugged, Professional Grade Applicator Sponge is a Must for Applying Wax and Dressings!
- No Need to Wet with Water First - Just Saturate with Product
- Puts Down Nice Thin Even Coats of Wax or Dressing
- Will Not Leak Product into Nooks and Crannies
- Using the Right Applicator Makes All the Difference
Something like a wax and dressing applicator might seem trivial, but the key to applying wax or dressings is nice, even thin coats and this applicator sponge delivers just that.
Using the right tools make all the difference!
There is nothing more frustrating than using an applicator just to have the product squeeze out inadvertently from the sides or exude into nooks and crannies where you don't want it.
We have encountered people using rags and towels to apply wax and dressings in the past and you just don't get the best results you would by using the right applicator.
If you want a nice even coat of wax or dressing - this applicator it just the ticket! You will get much better results and won't waste product.
Using the right applicator is just as important as the product that you are using!
This applicator gives you total control over the amount of wax, dressing or conditioner that you want on the surface.
It is perfect for applying wax, dressing interiors, applying conditioner, dressing trim, dressing tires and more.
The heavy duty construction ensures that it will last use after use.